The users here at Clean Cut Media really enjoyed looking at the 3D Chalk Art postings in the past. Here is the 3rd installment of these wonderful 3D Chalk Art. These 3D artworks are amazing. Check them out. If you missed on the first two installements the links are at the bottom!
3D Chalk Art Butterfly by Julian Beever
By Paul Lee
Simply amazing. How is that not real. I imagine myself sliding my hands beneath the butterfly to see if it is really afloat.
3D Chalk Art – Waterfall by Julian Beever at Madrid
If I was walking by and saw this waterfall I would be instantly drawn in and delighted to discover it is actually a piece of art. Think about the careful angle calculations that were involved in making this happen.
3D Chalk Art – Laptop – Julian Beever
I can imagine someone trying to steal this laptop when no one is looking, only to discover how foolish they look.
3D Chalk Art – Mirror Image
Here Julian Beever actually draws himself. Which one is the real one? Well it’s easy to tell, none the less pretty amazing. Reminds me of that one music video “take on me” where half of the video was in drawn format.
3D Chalk Art – Hole of the Dead
Don’t want to be walking next to this hole in the ground. Scary stuff. They should have a real person lie there and grab people as they walk by. Excellent…
This piece is by Kurt Wenner. Some info relayed by one of our readers. (thanks Ann!)
“Kurt is an American-born artist who spent time studying and training in the methods of classical Italian art, which can be seen in the style of his drawings. As a result I think his style is appreciably different from Beever’s.”
Julian Beever at Copenhagen – 3D Chalk Art
Julian Beever is way to lose to the edge! I hope he didn’t fall over and hurt himself! Amazing he can draw from so far up!
Enjoy those?
Check out the previous installments here!
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