Internet Protection & Accountability: Covenant Eyes Review

Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability

The average age of child’s first exposure to internet pornography is 11 years old

Did you know…

  • Americans spend over 20hrs a week surfing the net.
  • Teens spend over 31hrs per week online
  • The average age of a child’s first internet exposure to pornography is 11yrs old
  • The largest consumers of internet pornography are ages 12-17
  • Over 50% of teens, 30% of children surf without supervision
  • 92% of children already have an online presence

Covenant Eyes is an excellent internet accountability & filtering solution. It’s great both for monitoring your children as well as accountability for adults. It’s simple. You can pick accountability partners you trust whether that be a parent, a friend, or a mentor. If you visit a questionable site, it’ll let your friend know. Trust me, it is a really strong and helpful preventive measure that can save you or someone you love from a lot of heartache and shame whether it be with spending too much time on the internet, visiting inappropriate sites or pornography that leaves you with a bad taste in your mouth.

Parents! Protect your Children Now!

Parents! It is also a great way to regulate internet use for your kids. Whether on desktops, laptops, iphones or itouches, children and teens now have unfettered access to the internet and we all know how dangerous that could be. Did you know 55% of teens own an iPhone which gives them direct access to the internet. Many who are younger have iTouches. Covenant Eyes has a great filtering program to block bad sites as well as gives parents the ability to limit internet hours. It really is a great peace of mind for the parents as well as can save a child from the numerous dangerous and inappropriate sites on the web. Perhaps it will also get them off the computer and play some sports or actually talk to someone offline.

Covenant Eyes also allows group accounts, so open an account together as a family or with a group of friends to take advantage of the discounted prices. One person can open the account and others can add onto the first account. It’s super cheap too.

If you do not have accountability or filtering solutions, I strongly urge you to give it a go. You can always cancel if it isn’t for you, but why not protect yourself and your family. Some basic details below. Covenant eyes is both an accountability software and a filtering system.

Interested? Use this link to TRY COVENANT EYES

Covenant Eyes Accountability Software

  • Monitors and reports internet use
  • Each site is rated (T for Teen, M for Mature etc)
  • Reports are sent to a person(s) you choose: a parent, friend, mentor, etc
  • Use reports to have conversations about online dangers
  • Available for Windows/Macs, Androids, iPhones, Tablets, iPads etc

Covenant Eyes Filtering Software

  • Blocks inappropriate content
  • customizable block/allow lists
  • Decide the amount of time the web may be accessed
  • Choose the times of day the web may be accessed
  • Available for Windows, Mac, iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch

Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability

How Does Covenant Eyes Work?

1) Set it up

  • Create a Covenant Eyes account
  • Download the software on devices you want to protect
  • Covenant Eyes will monitor internet use and rates sites that are visited

2) Get accountability reports

  • Covenant Eyes sends reports to your accountability partner you choose (parent, friend etc)
  • Reports will show how you are using the web

3) Be Accountable

  • Any red flags and inappropriate sites will be flagged
  • An accountability partner can keep you accountable with a simple email or quick call.

4) Experience Freedom

  • Remove secrecy and experience freedom.
  • Uphold your values, and be able to resist bad sites or overloading on the web.

So give Covenant Eyes a try. It really may be the best thing you did for yourself and your family. Don’t be naive about what kind of content your children are exposed to. Most children first get exposed to online pornography at the average age of 11. That is the average, meaning many are exposed even younger. The endless inappropriate videos on youtube that go viral grow at an alarming rate. Don’t get caught off guard. It’s a great way to keep them safe as well as yourself.

Interested? Use this link to TRY COVENANT EYES. Nice. Protection & Savings.

  • Are you a Covenant Eyes user? Tell us your experience. How has it been helpful?

Update: Covenant Eyes has introduced family pricing.

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  1. For the kids, its absolutely important to provide them security while they are surfing online. Good informative post

  2. Wooh, great job! I love this informative post. My children always overuse Internet, so I think this will helpful for my family. But, I am wondering that is Convenant Eyes safe for the computer and other devices? thanks for sharing this article. Look forward to hearing more information from you!

    1. absolutely. I haven’t had trouble with the program at all. the good folks at covenant eyes always keeps it up to date as well. It’s pretty simple to sign up and install. lmk how it works out for you.

  3. Safety of the children must be our top priority and it is our duty, as parents, to provide them safe environment. I have to admit that I didn’t hear for this program before. I will have to test it. Thanks for the info. I hope my kids will not hate me because of this 🙂

  4. Does products like this actually work? Just confirming because this problem of protection is increasing at a great pace.

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