Top 10 Fastest Rising Google Searches in 2011

Google Releases Zeitgeist 2011 Search Statistics

Google has released it’s Zeitgeist 2011 statistics. Google Zeitgeist highlights the top search trends of the year. I also see it as a snapshot into our culture because it really highlights recent fads, what sparks our interest and what grabbed the most attention. Whenever I see these lists, it’s a mix of excited curiosity and a bit of sadness over what grabs the most attention in our society. Take it as you will. Here is the top 10 list with some notes and comments for reference.

google zeitgeist search rankings 2011

Google Plus IconTop 10 Fastest Rising Google Searches in 2011

1.) Rebecca Black [WHY?!!]
2.) Google+
3.) Ryan Dunn [He was the main daredevil in the show jacka**. Died this year]
4.) Casey Anthony [Mother was found not guilty of first degree murder charges of her daughter Caylee]
5.) Battlefield 3 [Video Game]
6.) iPhone 5
7.) Adele [Singer]
8.) 東京 電力 (TEPCO) [Japan’s Nuclear Power Plant Evacuated after Quake.]
9.) Steve Jobs
10.) iPad 2

Considering all the tragedies that happened this year, you would think such things would be higher on the list, but Rebecca Black? Really?

Couple more top 5/10 lists for those interested.

Amazon Kindle FireTop 5 Google Searches – Gadgets

1.) Amazon Kindle Fire
2.) iPhone 4s
3.) Sidekick 4g
4.) HP Touchpad
5.) Spb Shell 3d
*6) iPad 2
[case you were wondering]

Top 10 Fastest Falling Google Searches in 2011

1.) Myspace [it has traffic to be falling?]
2.) Hi5 [oh I hate those spam friend emails!]
3.) Mebo
4.) Nasza Klasa
5.) Netlog
6.) Baidu
[Largest Search Engine in China.]
7.) Wer Kennt Wen
8.) Meinvz
9.) Hotmail Correo
10.) Delta Airlines

Top 5 Clean Cut Media Searches

Only because I know you are dying to know this…
I’ve also linked to the article driving the most traffic.
Note that these statistics favor postings that came earlier in the year since the data is cumulative.

In 2011 (search queries grouped by category).
1.) YouTube [YouTube Statistics – The Ultimate Time Suck]
2.) Chalk Art [3D Chalk Arts in the Streets Part I]
3.) Michael Jackson [Michael Jackson Death Causes Social Media Explosion]
4.) Social Media [Social Media Statistics Video]
5.) Clean Movies [Clean Family Friendly Movie Reviews & Ratings]
6.) 9/11 [Sept 11, 2001 – World Trade Center, Remembering 9/11]
7.) Art [Amazing 3D Building Chalk Arts]
8.) Photoshop [France to Regulate Airbrushed & Photoshopping Pictures]
9.) Facebook [Change Your New HTTPS Facebook Privacy Settings Now]
10.) Nickelback [Nickelback – Savin’ Me Music Video]

  • Any of this shock you or surprise you?
  • Any thoughts on this list?

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  1. The thing that really bothers me is that this doesn’t at all surprise me.

    Some of those items I have no clue what they are about. I never heard of Adele for instance. And who the heck is Rebecca Black??( I don’t care enough to look it up).

    Some things I understand like the Google + thing. I guess everyone heard something about that this year…after all it is supposed to replace Facebook!

    I guess people are just not interested in political or environmental happenings. Even if they might just turn out to be more important than a mother being found not guilty.

    People are just weird.

  2. That is absolutely astounding that Rebecca Black, Google+ and Adele were all searched more than the disaster in Japan.

    This internet thing is ruining the minds of our generation, I swear.

  3. I have to say that I’m guilty of adding to the kindle fire searches. I was an iPad fan, but since I use my tablet mostly for reading, the Kindle Fire really did have everything I need.

    But that is interesting, since the Fire came out after the iPad.

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