When AOL & Geocities Ruled: The Internet 1996 vs 2011 [Infographic]

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When AOL & Geocities Ruled – The Internet

Who here remembers when AOL first came out?
The annoying modem sounds, the hundreds of chat rooms, the a/s/l?
Am I dating myself here?

Who here remembers Geocities?
Creating that first personal webpage full of nasty graphics and icons. YES!

Geocities LogoWho here remembers Prodigy and Compuserve, AOL’s big competitors?

Who here remembers Netscape going up against Internet Explorer as the browser of the web?

If you remember, then you are… probably old.

AOL, Webcrawler, Infoseek, Netscape: Beasts of World Wide Web

Before the Googles, before the Yahoos, before the Amazons and Facebooks, there was AOL, webcrawler, infoseek, netscape, prodigy and oh look Yahoo.com. Say what you will about Yahoo sad state, but it has been resilient. These were the Beasts of the “World Wide Web”. That was the actual common term back then. No one said “internet”…

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See this fun infographic below and feel young (old?) again.

Infographic – The Internet: Then vs. Now

Internet Then and Now 2011

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  1. I feel slightly old remembering Geocities…which in my opinion is better than Google Sites 😛

  2. The geocities era was when so many kids including myself made fan websites for shows and characters. I remember there being countless character dedications with very unique designs, so to speak..I must be getting old too!

    1. Haha. You are right. If only we all kept
      Screenshots of the sites we created so we can share them now 🙂

      Care to share what Fan / Character Pages you created? 😀 or getting too personal there haha!

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