Internet Speeds Getting Faster, Asia Leads the Way
Internet speed around the world continues to become faster as technologies advance. That is not a surprise. However the speed difference between a country like Korea and the United States are quite startling.
South Korea, who already has the fastest connection in the world, continues to increase their national internet speed at the fastest rate as well. Korea owns 6 of the top 10 fastest cities in Asia and as a country averages 14.6 Mbps. Compare that to the United States where only 4.4% of users are above 10 Mbps. Korea averages 14.6 Mbps. In Korea 45.6% of users have connections above 10Mbps. 75% are connected above 5 Mbps while only 24% of the United States is at that level.
I have known about professional gaming for some time, so the fact that Korea has the fastest internet in the world is not startling. What is, however, is that people would devoted their whole lives to a GAME. The same could be said about professional sports, which has a slew of problems in its own right, but something just doesn’t sit right about people devoting their lives to a video game. But of course, if people want it capitalist will exploit it.
It is scary how video games are become an addiction amongst people today. Just this month a Korean couple neglected their baby to play video games. The baby died of starvation. The story can be read here: Korean Girl Neglected due to Game
And this isn’t the first time something like this has happened. You hear about people killing each other over video games; more and more video games are becoming like drugs. Yet, when I teen boy spends 10 hours a day playing games it is deemed “normal” by today’s society.
I see this is a gaming site(?) so obviously it tries to relate everything to gaming. But I don’t understand what’s internet speed – done by ambitious government & private sector – got to do and gaming has to do with each other. It’s pretty dumb, don’t you think? Some country like to spend money to go to war & blow up things, then charge their own people to wipe up, while other country keen on invest on future technolgy & infrastructure. Capish?
Yes, A neglected korean baby died by addicted parents, just like the things happening in any other crack house in Scottland, and God bless the poor baby’s soul. That kind of crap happens in all kinds of different society and times.
A boy spends 10 hours in video game is “not normal” in Korean society (must be an anti-social & unemployed poor soul), I don’t know where in teh world you got that impression from… Perhaps in “fully-underemployed” California, maybe?
Josh L! There is a leap in your logic.
Idiots generalize when they speak.
Korea has one of the most stringent education. Students go to school for a normal day, and many have Hagwon, or “cram schools” afterwards. They spend more time in school and studying than a majority of countries. I doubt it’s typical for a teen boy to have 10 hours a day playing games.
I would like to know who the author of this article for the purpose of referencing it in my paper. Also, I think my prof would be interested in this site for his Pop Culture course he is teaching (and so I will direct him here). Cheers!
An avarage south korean teeanager studies atleast 15 hours a day
South Koreans are obsessed with online gaming (think WoW) and China too is following suit. It is alarming, to say the least, to read about people (children as little as 8-10!) dying and suffering from severe physical and mental health issues because of online-gaming addiction.