It’s that time of the year again. Superbowl! Though most people don’t care too much about who wins the big game, everyone wants a reason to get together and enjoy some good food and good company.
Another tradition of the Superbowl is the million dollar TV commercials in between the coverage. Advertisers spend several million dollars and pour hundreds of man hours try to capitalize on the large Superbowl viewer base. Due to the expensive nature of these TV Commercials, these TV advertisements get critiqued and scrutinized on how creative and effective each spot is. Hundreds of articles and top ten lists discuss how good or bad each Superbowl TV Commercial was. Hundreds of sites will take polls and stream every Superbowl TV ad to be viewed again and again long after the game is done. But what about the cleanliness of the ad? How about ethics?
No one seems to scrutinize the fact that with each successive Superbowsl many companies are throwing up more classless, sex focused ads that are completely inappropriate for adults let alone teenagers or children who may be watching the game. A good test is whether or not you would be comfortable watching such an ad with your own child or in front of your parents.
My biggest gripe has been the advertiser’s attempts to gain attention by coming out with more promiscuous, blatantly attention grabbing ads that talk very little about the product itself rather just aims to draw attention to itself. There are particular companies who are expected to come out with ridiculously inappropriate ads every year just so everyone will talk about it. Unfortunately we have come to a time where there is no outcry over the type of images being shown in these commercials.
- Have you noticed that the boundaries of what is taboo is being stretched every year?
- Do you feel any sense of problem with the level of promiscuity in these commercials? or feel they are ok the way they are?
Don’t get me wrong, there has been a history of well done commercials which remain classy, clean and very creative. My concern is the general trend of where media is heading and how the standards have been lowered year after year.
You will of course, find no such ads here. But for your enjoyment below are a few Superbowl TV commercial ads that has found creativity without having to compromise on message or ethics for that matter.
Tide – Talking Stain Superbowl TV Commercial
The Talking Stain. A very clever TV commercial highlighting the distractions of a strain during a business interview.
FedEx Pigeon Superbowl TV Commercial – Ring of Fire Superbowl TV Commercial
Etrade – Talking Baby Superbowl TV Commercial – Celebration
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I love Super Bowl time the commercials are seriously the best part of the Super Bowl for me. I can’t wait to see all of this years ads too.
I work for Tide to Go and I really want you to check out our commercial The Talking Stain. I know you’ll seriously fall off your chair laughing like my co-worker did.
I so would love to hear what you think about it.
Considering the very first video in the post is the tide Superbowl Commercial you are referring to… makes me wonder if you even read the post or just came in to paste a link for Traffic & SEO purposes… hmm.. 🙂