A recent research study, conducted by Cyber Sentinel, of 1,000 teenagers showed that the average teenager spends 87 hours a year looking at porn. That is equivalent of 1 hour and 40 minutes a week browsing for pornography.
What other topics did the teenagers search for online?
- 31 hours a week looking at soft pornography, plastic surgery, family planning, emotional support and dieting.
- 1 Hour 8 Minutes on cosmetic surgery sites on procedures like breast augmentation and collagen implants.
- Teens also go online to find information on pregnancy, contraceptives, sex and weight loss.
“The alarming thing about this research is that it shows that teenagers are obviously exploring all sorts of topics as a result of modern-day pressures. For instance, pressure to emulate celebrity standards of beauty is resulting in teens spending a significant amount of time researching cosmetic surgery.” – Ellie Puddle, Marketing Director of Cyber Sentinel
A piece of statistic that is alarming about this study is that teenagers were left alone to surf the internet for an average of 2 hours a day. Without adult supervision and with the freedom to do as one please, it is no wonder teenagers are easily able to access pornography.
The effects of pornography on teenagers are well documented through numerous studies and cases. A recent study from the journal CyberPsychology and Behavior showed that exposure to pornography leads teenagers to lose their virginity at a much younger age. They were also more likely to initiate oral sex as they imitate what they see on screen.
What other effects have been found to be linked with viewing pornography?
- Rise in STD levels
- Higher Teenager Pregnancies Rates
- Sexually active earlier
“The internet is having some kind of accelerant effect, influencing and changing behavior. Males are having oral sex and losing their virginity much younger when they are exposed to pornography, sometimes by a good three or four years for oral sex or two years for their virignity.” – Shane Krauss, Psychologist
I See, I Do – Teens Desire to Imitate Sexual Acts seen in Porn
In one study of 600 people junior high school and older, found 91% of males and 82% of females were already exposed to hard core pornography. 66% of of those males and 40% of the females reported wanting to try some of the sexual acts they saw in the pornographic material. 31% of the males and 18% of the females went through with it and did some of the things they saw.
Pornography has a way to take extreme sexual acts and make it seem more normal which unfortunately has led to the spread of many STD related disease. Unfortunately, many men end up getting their sexual information and cues from pornography. Especially the message that sex without responsibility is acceptable and desirable. The results?
Venereal diseases such as chlamydia of the eye had been spread by men coercing partners to perform sexual acts they view in pornography. Rise in oral sex has also led to an increase in the number of mouth, throat and tongue cancers caused by the STD papilloma.
- 1 in 4 teenagers in the US acquire a sexually transmitted disease every year
- 3 Million cases of teenage STD each year.
Unfortunately the initial exposure to pornography at an early age continues to affect the viewer for the rest of their lives. One study showed that among nearly 1000 addicts, 90% of men and 77% of women reported that pornography was significant in their addictions.
Also the images a person sees will forever be seared into the minds of the viewer.
Other deterimental effects of pornography such as demeaning degradation of women, links to higher aggression, violent coercion, rape, and molestation will be covered in a later post.
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It is simply a pure case of monkey see and monkey do. These impressionable young people falls under peer pressure to commit such lewd acts, sexual intercourse without any kind of protection is like playing a russian roulette. Even wearing a prophylactic is not 100 percent safe, and most STDs aren’t curable but the ones that can be cured relies on antibiotics which in itself presents a bigger health risk.